As an Invited Speaker
- Keynote Speaker (Fully funded): The Eighteenth International Symposium on Spatial Media (ISSM'17-'18) 2018, Aizuwakamatsu, Japan, March 2-4, 2018.
Abstract: With the aim of novel socially mediated interactive communication, this presentation outlines new facilities within social media spaces assisting the community to enhance interaction and communication to share information. Such interactive systems enable seamless user experiences that bear long-lasting value to communities and the issues they confront. The prototypes we developed to enhance knowledge and information sharing and retrieval will also be discussed. These systems have been developed in collaboration with professional designers, digital artists, and scholars from a range of academic disciplines. Equally importantly, the holistic and innovative solutions are informed by a trans-disciplinary approach, which blends conceptual ideas from different disciplines
- Invited Speaker: NUS Industry Liaison Office’s Special Interest Group (SIG) event on “Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality” October 2nd, 2009.
- Guest Speaker: ITE International Student Seminar 2009 for the Youth Tek!, June 19th, 2009.
- Invited Speaker: Minimally Invasive Surgery Symposium (MIS) in 41st Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine, Singapore, July 19th–22nd, 2007. (Title: Operating Theater and Digital Age).
- Invited as a Contributor: Wired NextFest 2007. “Metazoa Ludens” received the honor of being selected as the top 100 visionary and high impact technology works in the world by the USA based WIRED magazine, and I represented MXR lab to demonstrate “Metazoa Ludens” in the Wired NextFest, September 13th–16th, 2007.
As an Editor
- Associate Editor: Entertainment Computing (ELSEVIER) (2013 - present)
- Guest Editor : Advances in Human -Computer Interaction : (AHCI: Issue on Computer Games in Education, 2012)
- Guest Editor : Advances in Human -Computer Interaction :(AHCI:Issue on Interactive Play and Learning for Children, 2007)
- Associate Editor: ACM Computers in Entertainment (2010 – 2012)
As a Program Committee Member
- Program committee: Springer ICEC: International Conference on Entertainment Computing (2010- Present)
- Program committee: SIGCHI 2014: Workshop on Assistive Augmentation in ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Factors in Computing Systems (2014)
- Program committee: ACM ACE: Advances in Entertainment Computing (2007- 2012)
- Program committee: IEEE VR: Virtual Reality (2010-2012)
- Program committee: International Symposium on VR Innovation (2011)
- Program committee: International Symposium in Ambient Intelligence, Guimares, Portugal (2010)
- Program committee: Fun and Game workshop on Design for social interaction through physical play, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands (2008)
To Local and International Community
- Session Chair: International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW '19), October 02-04, 2019, Kyoto,Japan.
- Panel Member (Mid-Term Review) : Behavioural Studies in the Energy, Water, Waste and Transportation Sectors (BSEWWT) Review (MTR) Panel, Singapore March, 2019.
- Special Session Chair: The International Conference on System Science and Engineering 2018 (ICSSE 2018), 28-30 June 2018, National Taipei University, Taiwan.
- Contributor: Demonstrated 3 final year projects for NTU Open House, March 02, 2019
- Contributor: Demonstrated 4 final year projects for NTU Open House, March 03, 2018
- Contributor: Demonstrated 4 final year projects for NTU Open House, March 04, 2017
- Judge: Singapore Science and Engineering Fair, March 08, 2017.
- Judge: NTU Hackathon 2016, Collage of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, March 12, 2016.
- NRP Committee member: The Nanyang Research Programme (2015-2017)
- Publicity Co-Chair: Advances in Computer Entertainment, (2011)
- Publicity Co-Chair: IEEE Virtual Reality, Singapore (2011)
- Publicity Co-Chair: International Symposium on VR Innovation (2011)
- Track Co-Chair: Interactive Digital Media track in International Simulation And Gaming Association 40th Annual Conference (2008)
- Organizing Co-Chair: Designing Cute Interactive Media Workshop in conjunction with DIS2008: Designing Interactive Systems (2008)
- Publicity Chair: Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices (2007)
- Organizing Chair: Mixed Reality Entertainment and Art Workshop in conjunction with Sixth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (2007)
- Publicity Chair: Ninth Int. Conf. on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services: MobileHCI 2007, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Sep. 11th -&mdash> 14th 2007
- Organizing Chair: Spatial Audio for Mobile Devices Workshop in conjunction with Ninth Int. Conf. on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services: MobileHCI 2007, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Sep. 11th -&mdash> 14th 2007
- Organizing Co-Chair: MobiMundi: ExploringtheImpactofCurrentandEmergingMobile Technologies and Services on Society Workshop in conjunction with Ninth Int. Conf. on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services: MobileHCI 2007, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Sep. 11th -&mdash> 14th 2007
- Coordinator: Spatial Media Group Public Lecture, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, Feb. 18th 2006
- Demonstration Chair: Sixth Int. Wkshp. on Spatial Media: IWSM '05-06, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, Feb. 1st -&mdash> 3rd 2006
- Demonstration Chair: Fifth Int. Wkshp. on Spatial Media: IWSM '04-05, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan (2005)
- Demonstration Chair (Spatial Media Group): Lab demonstrations for local high school students, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan (2004 -&mdash> 2005)
As a Reviewer
- SIGCHI: Augmented Human Conference
- Entertainment Computing (Elsevier)
- ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
- CiE: ACM Computers in Entertainment
- AHCI: Advances in Human-Computer Interaction
- Springer ICEC: International Conference on Entertainment Computing
- ACM ACE: International conference on Advances in Entertainment Computing
- IEEE VR: Virtual Reality
- International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
- SIGCHI: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (Elsevier)
- Virtual Reality Journal(Springer)